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Addiction is difficult, but you are not alone. Others have survived and succeeded in their life with addiction. There is hope! There are many different ways to get support depending on your comfort level. You can attend a group meeting, call a helpline, call a peer, drop in to a support center to talk to someone privately, or reach others online. 

Sometimes all it takes is a little support.

Someone is available and wants to hear you and your story! Your key to success can be found in any one of these support groups:

Support for Youth & Young Adults

When substance use is involved it impacts not just a young person’s life, but the lives of the parents and caregivers. In Connecticut there are resources and supports available to help both young adults and their families on a path to wellness.

Advocacy Unlimited, Inc.

Carelon Behavioral Health

Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery (CCAR) Youth and Families Group

CT Department of Children and Families Substance Use Services

LGBTQIA+ Resources

Turning Point CT

Substance Exposed Pregnancy Initiative of CT

Youth Recovery CT

Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery (CCAR)

Connecticut Community For Addiction Recovery (CCAR) has five Recovery Community Centers located in CT to work with you when you or your loved one is ready to begin recovery. CCAR’s recovery centers provide a variety of recovery services including:

  • All-Recovery Meetings (ARM) for those who are living with different addictions
  • Recovery Training Series
  • Family Support Groups
  • Recovery Coaching
  • Recovery Social Events
  • Telephone Recovery Support

CCAR has a full list of meetings, 7 days/week here:

Bridgeport Recovery Community Center

430 State St.
Bridgeport, CT 06604

Hartford Recovery Community Center

75 Charter Oak Ave.
Ste. 1-100
Hartford, CT 06114

New Haven Recovery Community Center

1435 Chapel St.
New Haven, CT 06511

Waterbury Recovery Community Center

132 Grand St.
3rd Fl
Waterbury, CT 06702

Windham Recovery Community Center

713 Main St.
Willimantic, CT 06226

DMHAS Family Support Groups

Support groups can be very helpful to families dealing with OUD. Opioid Education and Family Support Groups are being held throughout CT for adult and young adult (age 16 and older) family members, loved ones or individuals who are misusing opioids or have an OUD. Meetings include education, discussion and mutual support.

Clifford Beers Community Care Center- New Haven

93 Edwards St.
New Haven, CT 06511

Community Renewal Team, Hartford (English and Spanish-Speaking Groups)

555 Windsor St.
Hartford, CT 06120

McCall Behavioral Health Network

58 High St.
Torrington, CT 06790

Sound Community Services, New London

21 Montauk Ave.
PO Box 390
New London, CT 06320

TriCircle, Hope and Support Groups

169 Colony St.
Rm 28
Meriden, CT 06451

Connecticut Harm Reduction Coalition (CT HRA)

Mark Jenkins
Executive Director
[email protected]


  • Syringe exchange services at these addresses & delivery
  • Naloxone training & distribution
  • Safe sex kits & safe crack use kits
  • Free disposal of used points


The Drop
557 Albany Ave.
Hartford, CT 06112

The Hub
28 Grand St.
Hartford, CT 06106

Monday – Friday 10:00 to 2:00
Saturday & Sunday On-call

Dos and Don’ts For Supporting Loved Ones

Addiction is an illness that not only affects the person misusing substances, but also the people who care about them. You may be wondering how to approach this situation and we are here to help. These are some Dos and Don’ts when helping a loved one who is struggling with OUD:

There are some things you can do to support you and your loved one.

  • Educate yourself: The more you understand, the better you can provide the love and support you need to help your loved one during this tough time.
  • Set boundaries and stick to them: Make sure you’re putting yourself first, then you can help your loved one. You’re of no help to them if you’re not taking care of yourself first.
  • Provide support: The most important thing you can do is provide support to your loved one. Let them know you love them and you care as often as possible, without going over your boundaries.

There are some things you should not do or say to loved ones who are using substances.

  • Criticize: Avoid negative comments about the person’s choices, behaviors, or character.
  • Demonize: You may believe that your loved one is completely responsible for their addiction. This can make your loved one feel hopeless rather than supported.
  • Expect results right away: Understanding is the key to helping your loved one. Be there for them and support them – it’s the positivity that will help them, not the negativity.

Contact Your Elected Official

Drug overdose is now the leading cause of death of Americans under 50 years old. Addiction affects our children, families, spouses, and friends. One way to help change this is to ask your elected officials to support Opioid Use Disorder programs, treatments, and funding. If you feel comfortable doing so, it may even be helpful to share your and/or your loved one’s stories of OUD.


Step 2

Reach out via phone or email.

Step 3

Let your elected official know why our opioid crisis needs to be fixed. Please feel free to add your own personal stories in the message to make a greater impact. The more people who share their stories, the more likely we are to make a change.

In case of an emergency or if you suspect someone is experiencing an overdose, call 911. For more information about treatment and resources in Connecticut, call our 24/7 Access Line at 1-800-563-4086.

Call the Access Line